Test Prep Classes

We can boost your child’s chances of getting into a specialized high school with our proven expertise.

Our courses supplement what students didn’t learn or need to relearn so they have a better chance at succeeding on the tests. What’s more–the classes are one-on-one which lets the student and teacher interact more effectively.

The college admissions process has become much more competitive than it used to be. Step up your game with our intensive PSAT and SAT courses and increase your chances of getting accepted into your dream college!

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Grades 3-8 ELA and Math State Test PREP Let's talk! 917-445-9192 SAGACITY TEST PREP TUTORIAL SERVICES mhg'

We have the expertise and the experience to help your child overcome test anxiety, learn better and earn higher scores on the state tests.

We can help you not just to get in, but to get the score you need to qualify for substantial scholarships.